How Can NET Help Me Lose Weight And Keep It Off?

Weight loss and emotions often go hand in hand. This is because we put so much emphasis on our physical identity. The way we look can create beliefs and expectations around our self worth, how we will be loved and accepted by others, our physical ability and who we are as a person.

Emotions therefore, play such a big role in our ability to change our physical identity - lose the weight we want and most importantly keep it off!

Therefore, when it comes to effective weight loss, NET is a technique that has the ability to get both mind and body on the same team & can rapidly improve your chances of long term success with your weight.


Some Common Weight Loss Sabotages

A Sabotage is when we consciously want something that conflicts with a subconscious belief or value.

  • You want to lose weight but don’t want to lose the freedom of eating what you want.
  • You want to lose weight but don’t want to be told what you can eat
  • You want to lose weight but don’t want your progress to be judged by others
  • You want to lose weight but don’t have time or feel guilty investing in this diet for yourself as it takes away from your time to help others.
  • You want to lose weight but don’t believe you can as you have failed before.
  • You want to lose weight but don’t want to experience cravings
  • and more.....

What to Expect

NET really is a revolutionary way of working with the body and mind that is different to most ‘talk it out’ approaches. NET consultations typically help to restore emotional congruency and a sense of 'OKness' with what is... and what you want.