Release unwanted behaviours!
Have you ever found yourself stuck in and out of diets, relationships or financial situations that just don’t work out the way you expected? Maybe you have noticed a repetitive pattern?
Many of us sabotage our wants or behaviours leading us down a path of frustration and disappointment. Freud was the first to identify this process - which he called 'Repetition Compulsion.' A sabotage is an unwanted unconscious belief that significantly impacts your behaviours and results in life. Sabotages are barriers preventing you from reaching your goals and living the life you want.
NET can help to identify and release unwanted subconscious beliefs that are stopping you from achieving your goals and getting the results you want. NET identifies and clears sabotages using modern psychological & physiological principles, biofeedback testing and some oriental medical principles.
“People are disturbed not by a thing, but by their perception of a thing.” Epictetus
Some Common Areas Where We Find Unwanted Beliefs and Behaviours
- Weight Loss
- Self Esteem & Confidence
- Money & Finances
- Relationship Patterns
- Changing Unwanted Behaviours
- Creating Success
If sabotages are present you will often feel find that you are not reaching your goals easily or consistently. It might feel like a struggle... there is a solution!